The Duke Spirit

The Duke Spirit @ le Nouveau Casino, Paris, 20/02/2008., originally uploaded by DPC★313.

So I’ve frozen my awesome Sirius Radio account until I start using my car more (I don’t keep it in Manhattan).
Because of this, when my wife and I used our car this weekend, we had to listen to the ever dreadful FM radio. Given the poor state of FM radio in the US, it made my discovery of The Duke Spirit feel even more like I found a buried treasure. I’m apparently a little late to the game, as this band came together around 2003, but they’re new to me, and that’s all that counts.
It doesn’t hurt that the leader singer is smokin’ hot either.




go cry about it

I was recently asked if The Combustion Chamber (and it’s offspring – Daily Exhaust), had plans on going green.
The answer?
For the record, The Combustion Chamber (TCC) will continue its proven, 4-stroke cycle to success.
This being said, TCC has and will continue to explore alternative fuels as a means of adapting to the changing landscape. TCC prides itself on it curious and exploratory nature and will adapt and modify it’s surrounding engine system, depending on the terrain, climate and a multitude of other external factors and environmental conditions.
Some of the greatest moments in technology and engineering history has been those times when old technologies are perfected, long after new technologies have replaced and antiquated them.
…we will aways be combusting.
…over and over and over again.
*on a related note, I think Analogue has similar audio and media sentimentals, but you’l have to ask them.




Blowing Doors

He will be in the middle of a maneuver …and have the whole thing collapsing on him …and somehow, in the center of that disaster, he will make something else out of it completely which becomes art.
– Skip Engblom talking about Jay Adams, Dogtown and Z-Boys

Jay Adams skateboarding


Art, Film



I went onto Youtube looking for some clips of REVS I’ve seen before but I was only able to dig up one for the documentary, BOMB IT.
I didn’t find what I was looking for, but I did find some other interesting nuggets on him.
Some good shots of spray (and steel) tags at Streetsy.
via kottke’s Flickrstream (with some comments):
Via WIkipedia:

“We think art should be dangerous,” Revs told a freelancer for ArtForum magazine in a 1994 interview. “Everybody’s into safe art,” he continued, “doing safe things in their studio. We’re bringing danger back into it. It’s got to be on the edge, where it’s not allowed.”
Known for such unorthodox views, Revs also refuses to sell his work. He’s even gone as far telling a Times reporter that “once money changes hands for art, it becomes a fraudulent activity.” This idea that art should be of pure expression, unconstrained by society’s wants or expectations, is manifest in the work Revs undertook in New York’s subways.


Art, Technology


Tasty Ideas

Art, done right, provokes.
It can make you feel: disgust, happiness, anger, sadness, rage.
This makes me laugh every time I look at it:
Done by artist Spector, found via Wooster Collective


