Agency Blogs
Blogs, online journals, whatever you’d like to call them – they all have the same obvious goal of communicating. Blog software now comes installed on most hosting provider servers and can also be used free (like on MySpace) or for a minimal subscription fee (Typepad, Movable Type).
Blogging is as much of fad as a cell phones are. Sure, there are many people that jumped on the blogging bandwagon when articles started getting published in TIME and BusinessWeek, but bloggers were around loooong before it got popular and will be around long after the hype has died down.
I’m excited to see blogs coming out of creative agencies and studios (and other companies that don’t fit easily into a particular category) – excited not for their existence but for the quality of their content and design. They provide a much better home for inspiration, links, videos and photos than a couple dozen emails passed around the company group list.
Below are some of the better ones I’ve come across:
Company: Big Spaceship
Company: Organic
Company: Web Agent 007
Company: Analogue
Company: Coudal Partners (their site has almost always been synonymous with their blog)
Company: Hi-ReS!
Company: Adaptive Path
Company: 37Signals