Startup Stories Rule and Other News
James Dyson on a Life of Failure – Ever since I read The Google Story, I’ve been obsessed with success and start-up stories. I recently picked up Founders at Work which interviews the founders of companies like Paypal, Hotmail, and many others – it’s really a great read.
Daring Fireball: Microsoft and Yahoo, Sitting in a Tree – as usual, John Gruber gives a thorough breakdown of the Yahoo-Microsoft acquisition dilly.
Redesigns I’ve noticed:
Citysearch – rounded-corner-y and doing the blue fade background reminiscent of the new Overall? I think it’s an improvement.
Design View – Sorry Andy, the black, yellow and white version was much better. It was bold, bright and organized… now? not so much. *Beta – hey guys, I just saw Yahoo in the hallway and they want their stylesheets back. Cheater.