How It All Comes Together
Humans make sense of the world through pattern recognition, here’s a pattern I’ve picked up on (and I’m definitely not the first):
August 29, 2006 Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt joins Apple’s board of directors
9 October, 2006 Google Buys YouTube
9 January 2007 Apple launches Apple TV
2 April 2007 Apple and EMI Music agree to DRM-free tracks on iTunes
30 May 2007 Apple to feature YouTube video content on Apple TV
May 31, 2007 Youtube Signs Deal with EMI
Do you see where this is going? Apple (and Google (and EMI)) is no dummy. The iPod was tossed aside by initial critics…. Apple retail stores were said to go under within a year…. Apple TV is a dud says critics….
I’m not saying Apple is guaranteed success in the everything, but just keep your eye on them, before you know it, they might be in your living room (and phone, and music player and computer).