Links For Today 11.19.2007
Rita Flórez on Why Zines Won’t Die
‘SNL’ Staff Fired En Masse – Um, wow. I didn’t see that coming. I haven’t been in a union since I was a service clerk at Shop Rite when I was 16, but isn’t the point of being a union member so you can avoid things like that happening to you?
The Future of Reading (via DF) – It will be interesting to see how this project pans out. Music, photos, documents, they’re all digital, it’s inevitable that books will be too, but I can’t help but get sad to think about how the art of bookmaking will die.
False Endorsement specializes in designs relating to “some of the most memorable places, corporations and companies in 20th-century fiction.” Other popular T-shirts on the site, which went up in June, include one for Tyrell (“More Human Than Human” is its motto), maker of genetic replicants in “Blade Runner,” and Polymer Records, a music label in “This Is Spinal Tap.”