New Brake Pads
A few weeks ago I took my 2004 Jeep Liberty into Manhattan Chrysler/Jeep to get an oil/oil filter change. During the change they usually alert me to any other issues they think should be addressed with the car. Sometimes they’re minor, sometimes they’re major.
This time they told me my front brake pads were extremely worn down, and they recommended I get them changes. I asked for an estimate.
The estimate they gave me was in the neighborhood of $400.
Now mind you, my brakes weren’t broken. The rotors, pads and calipers were in perfect working shape. I just needed new brake pads. My father taught me how to change brake pads back in high school, so I knew that new pads cost around around $40 for a pair so instead of giving my money to Jeep, I decided this was a great opportunity for my father and I to do them ourselves.
We started working on the car around 10AM and finished around 3PM. My father recommended we turn the rotors down while we have everything taken apart. Turning the rotors down just means that you sand them down to provide a smooth, even surface for the pads to press against. More surface area, better braking.
In the end, this was the cost breakdown:
new brake pads (2): $40.00
turning down rotors (2): $40.00
total cost: ~$80.00 (plus my dad’s and my labor)