being found
SEO And The Long Tail – How Jon Hamm Keeps Bringing New Visitors To My Site
But what this does show is how the Long Tail works for search and SEO. While most people will concentrate on clear search terms and take the first results that Google delivers up to them, others will search with what makes sense to themselves alone. And because of that, they find themselves here. That means that those who optimize their search term for a vary narrow search are missing out. People are searching in the oddest ways and using their own ways of thinking and writing. The only way you’ll get to your desired audience would be to publish really good content as frequently as possible. Publish no less frequently than once a week and ideally, five days a week or more.
I’ve had similar discoveries on my site. The first of which was when I found how popular my Hand & Arrow Icons post was in Google Image searches for “hand cursor icon”. The post ended up achieving my intended goal which was great. Then it got picked up by some big design blogs almost a year after I posted it and I got a huge surge in traffic.
The internet is fun. Anything is possible.