Full Metal Jacket Diary
Matthew Modine’s “Full Metal Jacket Diary” – iPad App
From the producer of the app, Adam Rackoff:
In 2010, I approached Matthew about turning his diary into an “eBook.” We talked at length about the experience of reading on electronic devices and started to imagine something more cinematic and interactive. We wanted to take the reader on a unique journey; one they couldn’t get on an Amazon Kindle or other eReader. We realized then, that Apple’s new iPad was the perfect platform to re-release his book as an “app.” Matthew gave me his blessing and entrusted me with the contents of his book. After 8 months of pre-production work, I’m ready to begin creating what will become the Full Metal Jacket Diary iPad App. I plan to build an immersive experience that includes not only Modine’s diary and photographs, but audio of Matthew reading his book, sound effects, original music, and never-before-seen images and content! As with the book, it’s very important to us both that we create something Kubrick would have been proud of and wanted to own.
via Daring Fireball