Stack Overflow In My Brain
The Escapist: Computer Built in Minecraft Has RAM, Performs Division
Last October, I showed you guys a simple CPU that a user named “theinternetftw” created in Minecraft that used torches to ignite redstone wires to add numbers and output that information as binary code. Now, a Minecraft player known as Salaja has created an even more complex machine that is capable of loading 16 lines of code into its RAM, and then performing operations before displaying the results on a screen in hexadecimal notation. In one example video, Salaja loads the “division program” and then successfully divides 9 by 5. The only downfall is that the computation takes a little while for the charge on the redstone to travel, but Salaja’s home-designed computer within a computer game is still quite a mind-boggling feat.
I understand what this guy did on a fundamental level, but trying to fully comprehend this is like trying to fully comprehend infinity or a black hole.
via Missile Test