The Only Thing Constant Is Painting Over Graffiti

5Pointz, a Graffiti Mecca in Queens, Is Wiped Clean Overnight:

By Tuesday morning, the work of some 1,500 artists had been wiped clean, the Brobdingnagian bubble letters and the colorful cartoons spray painted on the building’s brick walls all covered in a fresh coat of white paint.

“We are supposed to be the vandals, but this is the biggest rag and disrespect in the history of graffiti,” said Marie Cecile Flageul, an unofficial curator for 5Pointz.
Some might think this is unfortunate for graffiti artists, but the truth is, the artists who tagged up the surfaces of 5Pointz were allowed to by the owners of the building.
Anyone who really knows NYC knows the only thing constant in the city is change.
Or to remix Heraclitus, you cannot tag the same wall twice.