Tech Deflation
I’m not sure if this is going to affect more companies, but there appears to be some deflation going on in the tech world.
The Gilt Groupe is cutting 45 jobs ‘Amid A Quest For Profit‘. Money, money, need more money. Money. Then Evernote lays off 47 people and closes 3 offices in effort to build a more focused team. That damn focus! We lost it with all these extra people around! Who the fuck hired them, anyway?! GroupOn is cutting 1,100 jobs worldwide as part of a restructuring of its international operations. They had structure and now they’re restructuring it. Again, humans getting in the way.
Re/code also notes investor slowdown in 2015:
New data from Thomson Reuters and the National Venture Capital Association’s Fundraising Report show that VC firms raised $4.4 billion in the third quarter of 2015. That’s a 59 percent decrease from the second quarter and a 33 percent decrease from the third quarter of last year.
People in the world. Doing stuff with money.
Update: Twitter Is Planning Company-Wide Layoffs for Next Week