“This is going to be a fight.”
Deadspin writer Hamilton Nolan explains why you don’t kiss Trump’s ring (via Daring Fireball):
[…] The pomp and circumstance and deference will only increase after the inauguration. The press and the Congress are the only two institutions standing between a dangerous man and total power. They must both realize this is not the time to salute and grovel. This is not the time to fall into familiar patterns of default respect for someone who does not himself respect the responsibility to the public that he has been given. This is the time for them to rise to the occasion. And the occasion is a fight for civil society.
This is not going to be a free and fair exchange of ideas. This is going to be a fight. If you have not absorbed that fact yet, you are already losing.
This is only going to get worse.
I thought all those people were so cute who were “wishing 2016 was over already.”
Well, 2016 is over.
All that shit you hated about 2016? Multiple it by a lot.