I’m confused. Is this a plan or a plan?
Trump on the ACA replacement Republicans in the House of Representatives are proposing:
“We’re going to do something that’s great, and I am proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives,” Mr. Trump said. “This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor, and this will be a plan where you can choose your plan. And you know what the plan is. This is the plan. It’s a complicated process, but actually it’s very simple, it’s called good health care.”
Boy Trump has a way with words, doesn’t he?
It sounds like there are a number of Republicans who are not happy with it:
“This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for,” said Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, who was joined by a constellation of conservative groups, including the Club for Growth, Heritage Action for America and Charles G. and David H. Koch’s Americans for Prosperity. “It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction. We promised the American people we would drain the swamp and end business as usual in Washington. This bill does not do that.”
Since the introduction of the ACA in 2010, Republicans have been more focused on dismantling it, than conceiving of an alternative.