The Not-So-Essential Phone
The new phone from the creator of Android didn’t ship when he said it would:
The new phone from Android creator Andy Rubin appears to be delayed.
When he announced the Essential smartphone at Recode’s Code Conference in May, Rubin said it would start shipping within 30 days, The Verge reported. The company also started accepting pre-orders for the $699 device.
But more than 30 days have passed since then, and Essential isn’t shipping the phone yet.
Creating a computer operating system doesn’t mean you have any idea how to design and market a successful phone.
The Essential Phone isn’t as essential as Andy Rubin thinks it is.
Since I’ve taken one jab at Android, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind readers this was Rubin’s vision of Android:
Rubin’s grand vision of Android was barely an evolution of Palm Pilot OS.
Android wasn’t designed for multi-touch which is why it took so long for Android UI to approach the velvet-y smoothness iOS had from the beginning.