JPG Magazine
So thanks to my co-worker Maria, I now have a new site/magazine I’m hooked on – JPG Mag. I appreciate their guidelines for submitting photos too:
We’re about mostly unmodified photos. That means we do not accept photos that have been overly Photoshopped. Adjustments to color and sharpness is just fine, of course. Just keep it real, baby. Here’s a handy rule: If anything has been digitally added or removed (well, besides dust), it’s probably not right for JPG.
Because remember folks, almost all the photography you see in those glossy magazines has been touched up with Photoshop, even Annie Liebovitz doesn’t let her shots go into Vanity Fair without passing through her Photoshop person.
Anyway, here’s my JPG page, and if you dig any of my photos with the ‘vote’ tag on them, vote for em I will forever be grateful.