RSS Voyage
Andy Biggs
v-moda vibe duo – broken again
Well, that’s it. Se acabo.
I’m now on my third replacement pair of v-moda Vibe Duo earbuds and they have successful busted. I no longer get sound from the right side. Wiggling the cord near the jack has revealed that there’s a short in the wire.
I’m going back to a nice, sturdy, and decent sounding pair of Sonys (for half the price of the v-moda pair too).
*see my original post on these earbuds to get the full story.
Brendan Dawes
Brendan Dawes – I’m digging the experimental display of blog entries.
Safe Trip Home
Dido askd film directors in specific countries around the world to create pieces based on their idea of what home means to them, using a chosen song from her album, Safe Trip Home, for inspiration. So far the resulting film have been made in Brazil, New Zealand, Thailand, England, India, Portugal and the US.
(via Creativity)
‘messy’ is the new ‘organized’
the elastic mind
Design and the Elastic Mind
I’ve been slacking …this site passed under my radar when it launched. The style and sounds have Yugop written all over it. (thanks vb)
all day I dream about sex
Looks like Adidas is doing creating some fun microsites. Hit their fun landing page and start exploring.
beyond aesthetic qualities
Jason Fried over at 37 Signals tells us Why the Drudge Report is one of the best designed sites on the web.
The strength of his opinion rests in the collective power of all the points he makes. This makes sense, since it’s all about the details with design.
Here are the main points, read the full post for the meat:
Staying power
It’s straightforward
It’s unique
This is important
It’s good cluttered
Breaking news is breaking news
One guy can run it
No news is the news
It sends people away to keep them coming back
It’s fast
It’s cheap to maintain
It’s one page
It makes him a great living
One of the pieces I found the most interesting is something I’ve forgotten about regarding the ‘stickiness’ of a site:
There’s actually no content on the Drudge Report. Well, sometimes he will post an email or a memo on his site, but it’s 99% links out to other news sources. His site is designed to send you away to bring you back. The more often you hit his site to go somewhere else the more often you’ll return to go somewhere else again. You visit the Drudge Report more because you leave the Drudge Report more. This is one of the secrets to building traffic: The more you send people away the more they’ll come back.
Thought Pile
Herman Miller – Thought Pile by Freedom Interactive. The creative force behind the site is Vas Sloutchevsky (formally of firstborn). (link via …via)
It’s the Choice of a New Generation™
Running right off the track
For people who think you do your best work when you’re in your 20’s (or 30’s …or 40’s), these cats prove that life can go well beyond any artificial cut-off marks.
My friends and I have a name for what AC/DC has – it’s called the Ten.
…The Tendency to Do It Up.
Do you have the nine, Ten?