The Tarantino Mixtape
The Tarantino Mixtape from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.
The Tarantino Mixtape from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.
We have a new post over at HEED.
I can’t fight the urge. I keep relapsing. Photo blogs are too powerful for me to resist. Here are a few of the regular spots I’m getting my daily fix:
HotWheels (brother of this isn’t happiness)
Cheers to my boys up north at Analogue for the relaunch of their company blog.
*I think they’re using a little too much sIFR sauce, but it looks lovely.
Yes, you’re gonna lose.
In fact, you’ve been losing for a long time.
And I know you won’t go down quietly. You’ll continue to kick and scream until you hit the canvas.
seat, originally uploaded by combustionchamber.
Mr. Orange in shades, originally uploaded by combustionchamber.
legs for days, originally uploaded by combustionchamber.
Every time a go back to the WSJ, they’ve made more incremental changes to their site (mostly for the good).
One particular area they’re putting more effort into is data visualizations:
Since the redesign, articles have been set within a tab structure, with the first tab being the article, then any addition video/visualizations/slideshows within another tab, with the last tab for Comments.
While appreciate that they’re trying to move in a more interactive realm within journalism, visualizations like the one above need some serous help if they want to get up to the level the NYTimes is at.
Here are a few of the talented people who make the NYTimes so engaging (under design director Koi Vin):
hood, originally uploaded by combustionchamber.