Apple introduced podcasting to iTunes 10 years ago this month.
Prior to that, when someone wanted to cast a pod, they didn’t know how to.
My friend Byran and I have been casting pods for a little over a year on a semi-regular basis on Weekly Exhaust. Sometimes talking continuously for an hour isn’t as easy as it seems but I think we’ve gotten a lot better at it. It’s actually kind of fun.
After we finish our Skype call, I take the audio files into Garageband and edit them. For a while I was starting each episode with the sound of the exhaust from a classic car, now it can be anything: an old FM radio clip from the 60s or a piece of dialog from a movie we talk about on that episode.
In way, it brings me back high school, when I used to make mix tapes for myself or a girlfriend. I didn’t just slap songs back to back and call it a day. No, I had figured out how to hook up my VCR into my stereo so I could put snippets of movie dialog between each song (listen to the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction to get an idea of what I’m talking about).
Weekly Exhaust is also the only podcast I know that updates it’s cover art every episode (not that I’ve listened to every single podcast).
Cheers to podcasting.