Audio & Video For Friday

To follow up my last film post, here’s some more media to enjoy this weekend:

A Short History of the Gif (about 2 minutes)

Quentin Tarantino’s 75 Minute Interview with Howard Stern (audio only)

Update: I need to add another short docu: A New Wave of Barbershops (via). In addition to Magnus Walter, this is yet another reason I’m getting more excited about living in LA the longer I live here.

Update 2: Yet another awesome short film film about an awesome car restoration out of Los Angeles. Bodie Stroud *sorta* restores a 1969 Boss Mustang. (via Shawn Blanc)




Letterman’s Interview Sucked

There’s a reason this site is called ‘Daily Exhaust’. Most of the time I use to capture things of artistic, cultural or technological significance, but sometimes it’s just to vent. To get exhaust out of my engine.

After watching John Stewart’s great interview with George Carlin back in 1997 , I’m even more aware of just how horrible a job Dave Letterman did interviewing Led Zeppelin the other day (via Jim Dalrymple).

From Dave’s stammering and stuttering to his borrowing of Jack Black’s jokes, the whole thing just felt really awkward.

Dave’s lucky the gentlemen in Led Zeppelin are not only amazing musicians but culturally astute and funny bastards.


