A Public Service

You’ve probably been thinking lately, “Gee, I wonder how that Schwarzenegger movie The Last Stand was?”
Fear not, because contributing DE writer Bryan Larrick is on the job:

Going in to The Last Stand, a viewer could expect the film to be a throwback to Arnold’s work from thirty years ago, and while it is an action flick, it’s clearly from this era. It brings the stupid from today’s Hollywood, not last century’s. I don’t know the origins of the plot or when Arnold was engaged as the star, nor am I going to bother to research that, but this film looks like it was cobbled together in about five minutes from the leftover bucket of clichés out back of the Lionsgate offices. Nail some simple story arcs and characters together, sprinkle in some gunfights, and finally, add a bankable star. Hmm, it’s still a little thin in the taste test. Maybe a pinch of comic relief (Johnny Knoxville) will give this flick the flavor it needs. Shake, stir, bake for 107 minutes on high, and there it is, The Last Stand.
It’s quite a public service Bryan does with these shitty movie reviews.




Dead Already?

Interesting theorizing by Dustin Rowles on Mad Men:

Look, I’m not saying you should put much stock in this theory (unless it pans out), because I’ve clearly lost perspective. I’m officially giving Matthew Weiner way too much credit. But then again, in all the reading about Mad Men I do, I’ve also noticed that a lot of critics are coming around to the theory I had after the season’s opening episode that Don Draper may die at the end of this season, although I still maintain that it will be a death of the Draper identity, and not of the body; he’ll reclaim his Dick Whitman identity after Megan dies.

But what if Megan is already dead? Is it possible? Let’s examine the compelling evidence.
via Flavorwire




Mad Men Coming Back

I only watch a few shows regularly—Mad Men and Top Gear and both of these shows have been off the air for at least a year. Suffice to say, I haven’t been watching too much TV lately.
So I’m excited Mad Man is coming back April 7th.




Four Score & One Hangover Ago

A little New Year’s Day tip: Don’t try to watch Steven Spielberg’s two-and-a-half-hour-long Lincoln New Year’s Morning.

I found my brain was unable to comprehend at least 90% of it—even while laying down in my big, comfortable hotel bed.

And if you’re like me and love pretty much any movie Daniel Day-Lewis touches, don’t be surprised if you find yourself unengaged with Lincoln. This has less to do with the quality of Mr. Lewis’s acting (which is still top-notch) and more with how dense the plot is.

I think Lincoln is an amazing character study, but a bad movie. For pure entertainment purposes (and less historical accuracy) I’ll take Gangs of New York or There Will Be Blood over Lincoln any day of the week.


