Don’t Do It
via Wonkette
Stop Talking
Time, Money Is Not [say it in your Yoda voice]
via John Siricusa
Just Do It
—James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem
Godin Says
If you’re sufficiently pessimistic about new opportunities, it probably pays to stop driving around. Opportunity is often where you decide it is.
Momma Said
—Buddy Guy’s mother to Buddy, heard onSonic Highways
Sucks To Be You
via Next Draft
Bucky Fuller
—R. Buckminster Fuller via Form & Construct
Carlin Watch
Andy Says
You Are the Music
I am back to save the universe
—Jerry Seinfeld in Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee
[Really? You didn’t understand the title? Fuck you, then]
Good Job
—A.O. Scott, in his review of Whiplash at The New York Times