via vintagegal
via vintagegal
Influencer: Mini Cooper, introduced 2001
Influenced: Fiat 500X, announced 2012
Exciting stuff.
Just received an email from Nicholas Felton giving word his 2010-11 Biennial Report is being pressed and printed.
Here’s a photo of a die strike via his Flickr feed:
Well, I’m now a resident of California. And my turtle I’ve had since I was 13 years old also made it in once piece via UPS (Don’t worry, animal rights people, I followed these careful instructions on how to ship a turtle.).
For the next few days I’ll be daily exhausting from the W Hotel on Hollywood Blvd.
I also see that I’ve already been missed. Love you too, Bry.
So long, Mike.
After 12 great years living in New York City I’m moving out. Tomorrow morning I, my wife, and my dog get on a plane and head to our new home in Los Angeles.
Thank you, New York.
Thank you for giving me my Dad, who was born in Brooklyn and raised in Middle Village, Queens.
Thank for letting him discover my amazing mother, and marrying her.
Thank you for letting me cross your George Washington Bridge growing up to see my Nana in Queens.
Thank you for reminding me, on those trips to Nana’s, to spot the Keith Haring mural on the handball court on the side of the Cross Bronx Expressway and telling my parents from the back seat of my dad’s Chevette, “Crack Is Wack!”.
Thank you for my job at Dan Miller Design, where I met the woman who’d become my wife, Gina.
Thank you for Uncle Otto who rented me his 2-bedroom, rent-controlled apartment on 7th Street between 1st Avenue and Avenue A from 2000 until 2005 for $800/month.
Thank you for making me street smart.
Thank you for letting my brother Mark take over said apartment in 2005 when I got married to Gina and moved out.
Thank you for showing me how one man’s trash truly is another man’s treasure.
Thank you for teaching me how to drive like Han Solo through traffic (sideways).
Thank you for our shitty, cold winters and subsequent amazing springs when the whole city comes alive.
Thank you for making me nostalgic for Nana’s house, when I smell the ‘city air’ in the spring. I’ll aways love the smell of New York air. Always.
Thank you for runs around the Reservoir in Central Park.
Thank you for getting me drunk a lot.
Thank you for your awesome restaurants.
Thank you for your art.
Thank you for your attitude.
Thanks for all the amazing friends I’ve met here.
These thank-you’s could go on for days, but I’ll stop it here.
Thanks for everything, New York. You’re always going to be ‘The City’.
* The title of this post taken from one of my favorite songs by Lou Reed
Samsung announces a speaker dock with vacuum tubes.
So awesome and going right to my gadgets board on Pinterest (No, Pinterest is not just for moms).
Jim Darymple reacting to my plea for publishers to not make iPad magazines with giant PNGs for pages:
Magazine publishers that use giant PNG images just don’t give a shit about their customers.
Not only do publishers not care, but they’re just being plain lazy.
The iPad is an opportunity for publishers to create truly new, unique and engaging reading (and watching and interactive) experiences.
By no means is it the only way, but just look at what Apple has created with iBooks Author and the inspiration for iBooks Author, Al Gore’s Our Choice book-app.
FishbowlNY: Magazines Look Terrible on The New iPad
Over the past several days, complaints about how bad magazines look on the iPad have been rolling in. The reason, according to Mashable, is that the older magazine apps simply weren’t built to handle the new iPad’s high resolution “retina display,” so everything looks blurry.
How about publishers stop making their magazines a big, fucking stack of PNGs and start to use actual text. The kind of text you can select and copy and paste. And look up in in-app dictionaries.
People are complaining about how much bandwidth their new Retina display iPads are using. While it’s true the new iPad requires higher resolution graphics, developers also have to find ways to make their applications as efficient as possible.
Update: Steve Wright from Future Publishing emailed me to let me know his company does not make iPad magazines from stacks of big-ass images. Seems their magazine Tap! does things the right way.
17% of our sample of Drew University’s Class of 2011 is unemployed. 39% have full-time jobs, including six who have both full- and part-time jobs. 35% of students who are employed part time have two or more jobs. 74% of students who are interning are unpaid. 22% of students are in graduate school. 34% of jobs involve food service, retail, customer service, clerical or unskilled work.
It’s a much different world than the one I graduated into back in 1999.
MacRumors reports Samsung’s VP for Design is offended by Apple’s allegations of copying.
Well, I’m offended at Samsung’s VP for Design being offended.
Remember Asia is where they embrace Shanzai.
Shanzhai (Chinese: ±±ÂØ®; pinyin: shƒÅnzh√†i; alternatively spelt shanzai or shan zhai) refers to Chinese imitation and pirated brands and goods, particularly electronics. Literally “mountain village” or “mountain stronghold”, the term refers to the mountain stockades of regional warlords or bandits, far away from official control. “Shanzhai” can also be stretched to refer to people who are lookalikes, low-quality or improved goods, as well as things done in parody.
Yes, I know Shanzai is Chinese and Samsung is a Korean company, but the practice of imitating others products is pervasive across all of Asia.
From Electronista:
HP’s 2012 shareholder meeting on Wednesday saw Apple become a centerpiece of its conversation. During the question and answer session, most questions centered around why HP was not more like its fellow Southern Bay Area counterpart, which had a tenfold larger market worth even though it spent less on research and development. When asked if she had a vision like the late Steve Jobs, CEO Meg Whitman argued that the company had to place more bets on “disruptive” innovation like Apple, creating categories or fundamentally changing them instead of the mostly “evolutionary” approach HP used.
Sure, HP just needs to be disruptive like Apple.
And I just need to be musical like Thom York to be a great musician.
While we’re on the topic, this was recommended to me via Twitter from @JoshuaTheory.
Fun track. Feliz Viernes.
This is awesome and nuts.
Jason Bognacki hacked a 1920’s folding camera onto his Canon 5D:
The resulting photos from his mutant camera are incredible.
via Laughing Squid