Updated Exhaust for 4 Dec 2012*

iOS Request orig. from 2 Dec 2012

*As this site matures, I think it makes sense to point out corrections. I appreciate when readers take the time educate me on things I’m clueless on (it happens a lot).

And yes, for the time being, I’m adopting the ‘kottke approach‘ to updates.

Also: Fellow Exhauster Bryan recently enlightened me on the corrections page on NYTimes.com.




Outgrowing Marketplace

I want to give a shout out to Outgrow.me“The first marketplace for successfully funded Kickstarter & Indiegogo projects.”

One of the founders, Sam Selig, reached out to me a few months ago and asked me if I was interested in selling the posters from my Kickstarter project on their site. Seemed like a win-win to me—I get a chance to sell my extra posters and have them alongside other great projects.

Browse around their site, there’s some really great (and weird, and funny) products to buy.




Around Town

<img alt=”bikes_ramp_tripod.jpg” src=”/images/bikes_ramp_tripod.jpg”” />





I want to give a shout out to Squarespace, the new hosting provider for my portfolio, The Combustion Chamber.

I launched The Combustion Chamber in 2001. Over the last 11+ years I’ve always done my own updates and redesigns to the site. I’ve written my own Actionscript in Flash and my own HTML & CSS.

This current iteration is the first time I’ve used third-party tools to create and administer my portfolio. I’ve been tinkering with with Squarespace since I signed up a few months ago and I’ve found it to be great for both geeks and non-geeks alike. It’s intuitive but lets you get into the code if you want to.

If you want to support this site and are interesting in Squarespace, click on the link below. Try it out for 14 days, no credit card is required.

Squarespace 6

Note to Geeks: Squarespace, as it stands now, is intended for managing one domain (or multiple domains resolving to one). I would love if they provided the ability to administer multiple domains from their awesome configuration area. This doesn’t seem to be part of their business model nor something they’re interested in. I still love the service, but my use of it as a web designer and part-time developer will be limited to just one domain (for now). Also check out their Developers Area.




Under the Stars

A beautifully-designed site by TMC for their Summer Under the Stars showcase.

Beautifully laid-out type over large photographs will never get old. Add a sharp use of masks and motion to it and it’s even better. HTML and Javascript are really starting to grow up.

Thanks, Jory.




Faster Horses

Another solid post by Drew Breunig on tablets, faster horses, cars and tablets:

But tablets are more dynamic than cars, whose use case is relatively clear, and their flexiblity allows for much habitual misuse. Some are not sure what the iPad is used for and are engaging it like a netbook. Others create apps to emulate existing tools. It’s as if the Model T was released and people kept adding carriage components.

No surprise I’m a fan of this line of thinking.




Code Without Code

Scriptkit an iPad app that allows you to create prototype iPad apps by simply dragging and dropping code snippets from a library of code and APIs.

The demo version of the app is free, but I just upgraded to the full version ($11.99) which allows you to save your prototype apps.

Pretty badass.

Scriptkit gets me excited about coding the same way Macromedia Adobe Flash used to get me excited about coding. I would never call myself a programmer, but I got to point with Flash where I was doing things like parsing XML and talking with PHP and databases. Flash empowered me to make websites and widgets without being an advanced programmer.

When you give artists and designers the ability to easily work with code amazing things can happen.

via Co.Design


