Virgin America now lets you use electronics during takeoff and landing
About fucking time.
For the record I never turn off my electronics during takeoff and landing, nor do I put my iPhone into Sleep Mode because I know it’s all a bunch of bullshit.
Happy to see I’m right. I love being right.
As comedian Tom Green said recently in his stand-up act (I’m paraphrasing), “You make us go through security checkpoints with X-ray scanners, but you’re using the ‘honor system’ and trusting I turned off my phone?”





The Verge: After 17 years online, Pitchfork is launching a magazine
Wait, I thought print was dead?
Guess not.
I guess print is dead like vinyl records are dead.
Or desktop and laptop computers.
I’m not saying old mediums and technologies never get phased out completely, but many people are quick to dismiss things once they drop below a certain threshold—even if that threshold represents thousands, even millions of people still using said medium/technology.




I Gots A New Jobby

Monday I started my new job as visual design director at RadiumOne.
I’ll be focused on design for all mobile applications and websites.
It should be a lot of fun.





Hat tip to my brother for pointing out the new Compose icon in Twitter for iOS:
Seriously, Twitter, this isn’t the era of Sherlock Holmes. The magnifying glass is ok, everyone uses that.
The quill? Now we’re pushing it.




A Show of Hands, How Many People Back Up The Photos On Their Phone?

BGR: iCloud was Jobs’ best shot at killing Dropbox… and it missed badly
When Steve Jobs met with the DropBox founders before Apple announced iCloud, he famously told them they had a feature, not a product.”
As of today, DropBox is very much a product to me and integral to my everyday workflow both in the office and out.
I use iCloud too, but I have to say not just iCloud, but file syncing in general has a long way to go before it’s easy for non-nerds to comprehend and use. I’m surprised how many non-nerds still don’t understand the difference and relationship between their Photostream and their iCloud account.
There’s a lot of smartphone users who carry around thousands of photos with them, and usually have few to none of them backed up.
It’s a very real problem.




a new generation of shiny black boxes

At Gamasutra, Leigh Alexander talks about the importance of the mainstream console business:

Here is a hypothesis: right now, if I wondered about the precise depth of the HDMI ports on a PlayStation 4, there would be multiple outlets where that information exists. How stable is the optional living room stand accessory? Someone has reported on it. Here is a new console generation: We have exhausted our analysis of the hardware. We have fetishistically lavished attention on whatever details are available, because consumers want to know.

How many kinds of numbers do you need to know to be able to provide every possible detail about an Xbox One? Specifications: Resolution, USB, API, CPU, GPU, DDR3, esRAM. You have to learn to speak a second language. Teardowns, unboxing, hyper-attention to the guts of these brand-new machines, and fan-made detective work about what it must or mustn’t be like to develop for. Someone is an authority on the message board. Someone else has derived unverified but viable previously-unseen details from a foreign language report.
I said I was going to get a PS3 when it came out and I never did. I’m saying it now with the PS4.
Maybe—as much as I may enjoy a new shiny PS4—I just don’t care enough.


