Post-Pixel World

Neven Mrgan talks about pixel art and the art of preserving pixel size:

I’ve made three games whose art style could be described as “pixel art”. What is typically meant by this is “graphics that exaggerate pixels”, with images built of “blocks” larger than the smallest points the display can show. “Big pixels”, right?

I’m often asked this question about those games: do you draw your art at double size? If you think the answer is completely obvious, you’re not alone; I think so too. But since it’s not obvious to everyone, I’ll explain.

It’s crazy to think we’re moving into a post-pixel world.





I was browsing through some old posts, and I found one that’s worth reposting. It’s in regard to the infamous Apple ‘Fanboy’ (aka fanboi)—the term non-Apple-using guys call someone who use Apple products and, dare I say, enjoys using them.
This was me in January 2010:

The thought is, the sales of the iPhones far outnumber how many supposed fanboys there are. Mac owners have always been a minority in the world of personal computers, but Apple ceased to be just a computer maker a decade ago. The iPod is best selling MP3 player in history. While the iPhone doesn’t have those bragging rights, as of Q4 2009 it sold over 33 million units.

People besides Apple fanboys are buying iPhones.

We’re now in 2012 and Apple has sold over 400 million iOS devices (this means iPhones, iPads and iPods). Four hundred million.
Let me repeat myself.
People besides Apple fanboys are buying iPhones (and iPads and iPods).









Colorful Influence

Ladies and gentlemen, today’s Influencer/Influenced post comes as a surprise to me (and it might to you as well).
Today Apple is not the Influencer, but the Influenced.
(Note: I know this very well might not be the case, given how far in advance Apple develops new products. If anything, you could say Apple is the influencer here since it’s likely they’ll be shipping new Nanos before Nokia even announces their ship date)
Influencer: Nokia Lumia 920, announced 5 Spetember 2012
Nokia Lumia 920 yellow
Influenced: Apple iPod Nano, announced 12 September 2012
iPod Nano 2012 yellow




Colorful Influence

Ladies and gentlemen, today’s Influencer/Influenced post comes as a surprise to me (and it might to you as well).

Today Apple is not the Influencer, but the Influenced.

(Note: I know this very well might not be the case, given how far in advance Apple develops new products. If anything, you could say Apple is the influencer here since it’s likely they’ll be shipping new Nanos before Nokia even *announces* their ship date)

Influencer: Nokia Lumia 920, announced 5 Spetember 2012

Nokia Lumia 920 yellow

Influenced: Apple iPod Nano, announced 12 September 2012

iPod Nano 2012 yellow




The Only Poll That Matters

Forget Rasmussen or Gallup. If you really wish to know how the public feels about the candidates for president, just let Google’s autofill feature drop some knowledge. Below are real screen grabs. All I did was type ‘[this person] is a’ and let Google and its database of popular search queries do the rest. My takeaway? People have issues. Also, the president is a brony.




The Only Poll That Matters

Forget Rasmussen or Gallup. If you really wish to know how the public feels about the candidates for president, just let Google’s autofill feature drop some knowledge. Below are real screen grabs. All I did was type ‘[this person] is a’ and let Google and its database of popular search queries do the rest. My takeaway? People have issues. Also, the president is a brony.





Just Start

Simon Kuper on the difference between artists and people would say they want to be artists:

Over evening beers many years ago, a housemate unfolded his career plans to me. He was going to remain an estate agent until he “hit his number”. Then he would finally pursue his vocation and become a film producer. He never did, of course, but this type of fantasy is common among us wage earners, especially in early September when the daily grind restarts. Now we are “working for the man”, but one day we will make movies, set up an organic prune company, or finally write that novel.

It’s clich√© but true—the most important thing is just starting. I don’t care if it’s fitness or art or writing. Just start. It’s most likely going to be crappy, but eventually the crappy phase will pass and you’ll get better.


