New MacBook Pros Wreak Havoc on Internet Tubes

The people blogging over at the Wall Street Journal appear to be eating retard sandwiches, like Clint Boulton:

But it may also wreak havoc on CIOs’ networks and connectivity budgets — better quality displays require more network bandwidth, which allows users to increase data consumption. Consider that experts told CIO Journal earlier this year that the new iPad, which includes a Retina display of 2048-by-1536 resolution with 3.1 million pixels, would slow enterprise networks to a crawl and increase data costs from carriers. Now imagine how a Macbook with 5.1 million pixels — two million more than the new iPad — will increase data traffic in office networks.

This statement is up there with the shit former Senator Ted Stevens said about the Internet being a series of tubes, although not as entertaining.
I take that back. Mr. Boulton is more dumber.
via The Loop




It Is

Isn’t the bottom of our computer prettier than the top of anyone else’s computer?
-Phil Schiller, WWDC Keynote 2012




What is my mantra again?

Update – For those who didn’t catch what I was referencing with the title of this post, it might have been due to the fact my memory of Jeff Goldblum uttering it in the movie Annie Hall was fuzzy.
The correct line is, “I forgot my mantra.”




Pete Cosey

Guitarist Pete Cosey died a couple weeks back. He did his most well-known work playing with Miles Davis during his most manic electric phase in the 1970s. Here’s a great vid of the band from a show in Vienna in 1973. Cosey gets into it at 6:10. Very, very evil.




Facebook on iOS

So one of the many things announced in Apple’s WWDC Keynote was the system-level integration of Facebook with iOS and OS X.
This is interesting because there have been rumors for a while now of Facebook working on their own phone.
If it’s true they’re building a phone, then they don’t want to make their (future) competitor stronger by allowing them to bake in system-level support to their platform. On the flipside, if they don’t allow access, then they risk marginalizing their platform, making it less relevant.
I also like John Gruber’s view that the Facebook integration was a nice “fuck you” to Google:

Starting with the opening gag with Siri doing stand-up comedy and continuing through to Apple’s new maps and Siri’s new features, there was an unmistakeable “Fuck you, Google” undertone to the whole keynote. Apple is forcing Google out of iOS. Even the Facebook integration feels like a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” alliance.

I’m with Om Malik though, I don’t trust Facebook with my info:

I just don’t want Facebook constantly tracking me and I don’t want any information leaking especially on my iPhone. Perturbed, I tried to get more details on the integration from Apple. Here is what I understand about how it works – when using the system-level single sign-on, when you want to share something via Facebook, the system logs you into Facebook, shares whatever you want to share — a link, a video, a photo or whatever — and then logs you out.

While I do use Facebook, I’m not one of these sad people who can’t live without it. When I upgrade to iOS 6 I won’t be using the single sign-on. Hell, I don’t even have the app on my iPhone.




Put Em Away

Phil Mickelson is getting tired of cellphones at tournaments:

Golfer Phil Mickelson withdrew from The Memorial Tournament this weekend, and apparently cell phones -or people snapping pictures with them — were to blame. An ESPN article on Mickelson’s withdrawal notes that the pro golfer withdrew from the tournament citing “mental fatigue.” However his mental fatigue may have been cell phone induced.

Good for him. I’m getting pretty sick of the omnipresence of cellphones too. Actually, it’s not the omnipresence, it’s the lack of etiquette and manners.
But I love the irony of the story (my emphasis):

According to four people with direct knowledge, Mickelson sent a text message to PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem from the sixth fairway at Muirfield Village suggesting that a lack of policing fans with cellphones was getting out of hand….

Phil, I’m trying to be on your side on this one, but you’re making it hard.


