I have waaaaaay too many tabs open in Safari and they have been open for way too long.
Lucky for me and you, I find good shit and good shit doesn’t go bad.
Artist Celebrates Late Grandfather by Drawing the 100,000+ Items in His Tool Shed

Jony Ive’s Secret Coffee Ritual – Good coffee-making tips here
exquisite texts — “text +1 (718) 404-9006 and write some damn poetry”
This is What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Exercising — “an athlete’s fitness drops faster the fitter they are” Solution? Stay active, even if it’s in little ways.
Hacking Kickstarter: How to Raise $100,000 in 10 Days — Keeping this on file for something I’ll be launching soon
How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses — I want in.
This Simple Calculator Explains the Basics of Planning Your Retirement — C.R.E.A.M.
The Pixar Theory of Labor — I haven’t finished this, but what I have read is interesting.
Koken — “Content management and web site publishing for photographers” — I want to try this.
CreativeMornings: Wilson Miner – Steal This Talk
This crazy F1 concept car could save open wheel racing
Shawn Blanc: Creativity is a Gift
Andrew Ambrosino reimagined Apple Music and iTunes — I love projects like these.
Microsoft, Capitulation and The End of Windows Everywhere – Like IBM, Microsoft isn’t going away, but Windows is.
Seth Godin: When considering a new project, it might help to make three lists:
Rives: The Museum of Four in the Morning – What a great speaker
After you watch the above video of Rives, you can read this poem
Marco Arment: The ethics of modern web ad-blocking
NPR: Remembering When Driverless Elevators Drew Skepticism
Ars Technica: Op-ed: How I gave up alternating current *__*
The End of an Era: A Short Film About The Last Day of Hot Metal Typesetting at The New York Times (1978)
Ars Technica: Filmmakers fighting “Happy Birthday” copyright find their “smoking gun” It’s bullshit that the Happy Birthday song isn’t in the public domain.
MIT Technology Review: Tech’s Enduring Great-Man Myth